Mother bitch does everything for fun sex


“He’s locked in her now, it’s a wonderful feeling,” Eileen said, sliding down and taking my cock into her mouth as she continued to watch. On the far side of Brian l could see Carol on all fours, her huge tits swinging as her father fucked her from behind, matching his thrusts with the pace that Brian was humping into Mum.

Brian was growling, his back legs clawing at the back of Mum’s thighs for purchase as he forced his cock deeper into Mum’s cunt. I groaned as l came in Eileen’s mouth, pushing her down on my cock as l filled her mouth with spunk.

“Oh yes Brian, yes,” Mum called out, “l can feel him cumming, oh yes, good boy Brian, fuck me, good boy.”

Brian let out a howl as he twisted, then suddenly he was turned, he was facing away from Mum but still joined.

“Oh god yes, that’s beautiful,” Mum said.

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Eileen was sucking hard on my cock as l pumped my cum down her throat. I saw Bert change position behind Carol, ramming his cock into her arsehole, she cried out as he was in her to the hilt in one thrust. “Oh yes Daddy!” She cried.

Brian was pawing at the floor as if trying to pull his cock out Mum’s cunt but he was locked in, she had to move with him and the two of them began to move across the floor like some bizarre train.

Bert must have cum quickly inside Carol’s bum as he had pulled out, Carol tuned around, taking his cock into her mouth.

Eileen lifted her mouth from my cock. She moved astride me, opening her mouth to show me it was full of my cum. Then she grabbed my head and before l could move her mouth was clamped onto mine, her tongue working into my mouth, passing my cum to me. I sucked my spunk from her, pinching her nipples hard. I could still see Brian and Mum locked together, Mum being dragged backwards, her tits dragging on the floor.

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Suddenly Mum cried out as Brian finally pulled himself free. As his cock slipped out of her cunt, his cum leaked out, running down her thigh.

Mum turned around, holding Brian, pressing his face against her tits. She reached around him, pressing her hand on his back, getting him to sit. His cock was still showing, glistening with his cum.

Mum move under him and l watched as she took his cock into her mouth, licking his cum away. Carol meanwhile left her father’s cock, crawling round behind Mum and began licking Brian’s cum from her cunt. It was a crazy situation, l knew l should have been disgusted but l felt myself getting hard again. My mouth was full of my own cum, Eileen still kissing me, l just had to fuck her.

In one movement l picked her up, slamming her down onto the sofa on her back, l was above her, between her outstretched thighs. I plunged my cock into her, my pelvis crashing down on her.

“Oh yes David,” she sighed, “fuck Aunty, don’t be gentle baby, try to hurt Aunty.”

I grabbed her tits as l ploughed into her, l could still see my mother sucking Brian’s cock, the dog sitting there with a strange look. Carol had her face pressed up behind my mother. Bert appeared by my side. “Punish her tits son,” he said, “no mercy, make her yell.”

My fingers dug into the soft flesh as l drove my cock into her, l was rock hard again but there was a pain in my cock and balls, l could feel my orgasm coming but my balls were empty. I twisted her tits.

“Hit them David,” he said, “hit them hard.”

I did, raining blows on those huge tits in my frustration as l fucked her. I wanted to cum but there was nothing there.

“Yes baby!” Eileen called back to me, raking her nails down my chest, “oh god yes!”

I felt the heat of her cunt juices flooding over my cock as she came but still l kept humping into her.

I saw movement, Brian was walking away, curling up in the corner, watching the scene before him. Mum and Carol were locked together writhing on the floor, kissing and fingering each other. It was like some scene from a Roman orgy. Pain shot through my body as l felt Bert’s cock in my arsehole again, he was driving into me, our combined weight crashing down on Eileen.

I cried out as l finally came, my cock pumping dry but l still humped into her. My head was swirling.

This was my mother, my family, people l thought l had known all my life but l was seeing people l couldn’t recognise, doing things l could never have imagined, and l was in the middle of it, l had to be dreaming, had to be….but it was no dream, that feeling inside my bottom was all too real. For the second time that day l had been fucked in my arsehole and l had cum both times, l needed to process that in my brain.

At this point l should remind readers that this was the late1960’s, homosexuality had only just been made legal and attitudes were much different than they are today. I knew nothing about people being bisexual, certainly not men. Women having sex together was much more acceptable and men often commented how they would like to see two women together so watching my mother with her sister and niece didn’t bother me, it was very erotic, but where men were concerned, especially in a small town like where l was brought up, the idea that a man could enjoy sex with either men or women was beyond our understanding. For this reason l was having difficulty understanding my own emotions.

I must have drifted into my own thoughts, l was roused by Bert telling my mother and me to go upstairs and sort ourselves out while they cleaned up. I followed Mum upstairs silently, we showered without speaking. I was aware of her watching me as if she was trying to get into my head to find out what l was thinking.

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Once she had dried me, l laid out on the bed.

“I’ll just pop down and tell them we will be staying up here,” she said. A few minutes later she returned, climbing onto the bed and lying beside me. I was lying on my back looking at the ceiling but l could sense her watching me. After a while she moved closer, putting her arm across my chest.

“Talk to me,” she said, “do you want me to go, l can sleep in the spare room.”

“No Mum,” l replied, “l’m just trying to sort my head out, so much has happened, it’s like an express train, we seem to be rushing through experiences.”

“I know baby,” she said, cuddling into me, l could feel her breasts pressing against me. Her fingers were tracing lightly over my chest, circling my nipples. “Did l disgust you?”

“I think l should have disgusted myself,” l said.

“No baby,” she said, throwing her leg over me then lying on top of me, her face above mine. “Was it too much baby, l knew what Bert was going to do to you, l should have stopped him.”

“I don’t think you could have Mum, l don’t think l wanted you to, that’s my problem.”

“Oh baby,” she said, “stop over thinking it.”

“But l’m not like that Mum,” l said, “l like girls, l’ve never once imagined myself doing it with a man.”

“Oh baby,” she laughed, “you’re not going to turn into a homosexual, not judging by what is happening down there.”

It was the contact of her naked body on top of mine, l could feel myself stirring.

“I keep seeing what you were doing Mum,”

“Is that what’s making you hard baby,” she said, sliding down my body until she could kiss my nipples. “Did you enjoy watching me with Brian.”

“I don’t know what l thought Mum,” l said, “it was driving me crazy watching what he was doing to you, have you done that before?”

“Only once,” she replied, her hand slipping between us, holding my cock which was rapidly reaching full erection. “The last time l came up there was a party, we were playing a game of forfeits, we were at the house where Brian lives, it was Gina’s turn to lose and Tom, the man who lives there had the cards with the challenges, he chose a card and said that Gina had to have sex with a dog, we were all shocked, none of us expected her to do it, but apparently Tom and his wife Sally had been on holiday in Amsterdam and they had seen a live sex show where girls were being fucked by dogs, Sally had been turned on by it and when they got home she had tried it with Brian. She had suggested that Tom put and extra card in the pack for our next party, he has always liked fucking Gina so he fixed it for her to get that forfeit.”

“Gina!” l said.

“I know baby,” Mum said, “l know you’re sweet on her, but she’s the best looking of all of us, all the men chose her first if they can, she always gets fucked more than the rest of us, even Carol with her giant tits doesn’t get as much cock as Gina.”

“So Gina did it with Brian?”

“Yes,” Mum replied, “we were all surprised at how easily she agreed to it but later she told us that she had grown up on a farm in Italy, she said she had two older brothers and they had often played with her, they had started fucking her then one day they had all been drinking wine and they had persuaded her to do it with their dog, she told us she had only done it the once because not long after she had married Marco but that when she had returned to visit her home she had often done it again for her brothers.”

All my visions of Gina were shattered at that moment, all l could think of was her on her knees doing what Mum had done.

“Mmmmm,” Mum said as she felt my cock pulsate, “are you thinking of Gina with a dog?”

I didn’t want to admit it but that was all l could think of at that moment.

“Let me put him inside me,” Mum said, wriggling and opening her legs, she guided my cock into her warm, wet cunt. “You don’t have to fuck me, just let him rest there.”

She moved down, her warm sheath slipping over my cock, it felt so good, all my bad thoughts began to drift away. Mum could feel me relax.

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“That’s good baby,” she sighed, kissing my nipples, “get rid of all those thoughts, just enjoy it, it’s about fun and pleasure, no limits baby, l’ll do anything for you, no limits, l promise, for as long as this lasts l’m yours.”

“What do you mean, as long as this lasts?” I said.

“I’m not stupid enough to think it will last forever baby,” she replied, “that’s why l want you to enjoy at all now. One day you will find someone your own age and settle down but always remember baby, if there are things she won’t let you do, you can always count on me, l will never turn you away. It would be so wonderful if you are still fucking me when l’m old.”

“I don’t want to think about that,” l said, rolling her over, following her so that l ended up on top of her.

“Mmmmm, that is so good,” she said, “make love to me baby, pretend you love me and make love to me.”

“I do love you Mum,” l protested, “you know l do.”

“Yes baby,” she sighed as l moved inside her, “but don’t fuck me this time, make love to me, you can fuck me all the other times but just this once l want you to be gentle. Let Mummy teach you.”

That was how we did it, l stayed inside her, moving gently, stroking her body, teasing her nipples. She traced her nails over my body, sending shivers down my spine. She encouraged me as l took her to the brink of orgasm then she stopped me, teetering on the brink, our bodies locked, her muscles gripping my cock. We were like that time and again, each time l was sure l had taken her too far but each time she held it. The moment she realised my orgasm was close she stopped me, waiting for me to relax before telling me to carry on. It as a magical experience, the heat from her cunt was burning me but it felt so good.

When we did both finally cum, she came first, her body heaved, she gave a deep sigh and l felt the flood of her cunt juices. “Oh yes,” she sighed as her body went limp, then “Mmmmmmm,” as l came and she felt the heat of my spunk inside her. We held each other as my cock pulsated inside her, her muscles milking me, our bodies almost melting together.

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We stayed locked together, l watched her as she slowly drifted off to sleep, she looked so peaceful. As my cock finally slipped from her she groaned and snuggled into me, resting her head on my chest. I held her like that, my hand resting on her breast as l joined her in sleep.

We were still holding each other when l woke in the morning. I watched her for a while thinking how my mother who had been just a fairly ordinary mother for so many years had suddenly become the epitome of a sex goddess. As l watched her breathing slowly, my mind went back through everything that had happened, there seemed to be no limit to what she was prepared to do, the vision of Brian humping into her then when he was knotted in her, dragging her across the floor, that would live with me forever. Then to see her taking his cock in her mouth….l felt my cock respond as l revisited that scene in my mind.

Mum must have sensed a change in my breathing, she snuggled in closer to me, her hand sliding down over my tummy until it came into contact with my erection.

“Mmmmm,” she said, gripping my cock, “good morning,” she kissed my chest, sucking on my nipple. “What a beautiful way to wake up, it would be such a shame to waste it.” She squeezed my cock gently then traced her nails up my shaft and over the head. “Would you like to fuck Mummy?” She said, “Mummy would like you to fuck her very much.”

“You’re going to wear me out,” l laughed, pushing her onto her back and rolling between her outstretched thighs. She guided me into her cunt and l slipped in so easily.

“Oh l hope not,” she sighed as l slid up inside her, “l want you to fuck me forever.”

“You’re a shameless slut Mum,” l laughed.

“Mmmmm, yes,” she replied as l felt her cunt grip me.

I fucked her slowly, kneeling between her thighs with her legs resting on my shoulders. I was gentle, giving her the full length of my cock with each slow stroke. I kneaded her breasts gently, teasing her nipples, watching her expression change as each wave passed through her.

“I wonder how many of your friends fuck their mother,” she giggled.

“There can’t be many mothers like you,” l said.

“Oh don’t you believe it,” she smiled, “incest is a lot more common than you think, just look at our little group, Bert has been fucking Carol for years, Tony has been fucking Gina for at least two years now, and we have other members who do it as well, you’ll meet some of them while we’re here.”

“I never imagined l would end up fucking you Mum.”

“Oh l’ve dreamt of it for so long but was afraid l would frighten you away,” she said, “it feels so good to have you in there now, we’re going to have so much fun David, it will be so good when we are on our own, l want you to take me whenever you feel like it, you never have to ask David, you have to use your imagination, you never have to hold back with me… fuck me baby….enough talking….give Mummy’s cunt a good fucking.”

I did as she asked, pinning her ankles either side of her head l started driving my cock down into her. She encouraged me with each thrust, telling me to do it harder. It didn’t take long for me to be on the edge of orgasm, she sensed it.

“Not in my cunt,” she cried, “cum in my bum, just do it.”

I didn’t hesitate, pulling out, she reached down, guiding the head of my cock to her anus.

“Do it baby,” she said, then cried out again as l entered her, coming down hard onto her, my cock going deep into her arsehole as l came.

“Oh god yes,” she cried as she came with me, juices spraying from her cunt up onto my chest. I collapsed onto her, my cock pulsating wildly inside her.

“Oh god l love it like that,” she sighed, l felt her anal muscles squeezing my cock.

“Didn’t l hurt you?” I said.

“I don’t care,” she replied, “you saw what pain does to me when Bert caned me, it just makes the orgasm so much more powerful.”

I pulled out of her and was about to get off the bed to go into the shower when she stopped me, pushed me onto my back, then kneeling over me, she took my cock into her mouth. I know l had seen her doing that the night before but it still shocked me, l gently pushed her away.

“I can’t believe you do that Mum,” l said, “aren’t you bothered, you know, after where it’s been.”

Mum just smiled at me. “Occupational hazard for a slut like me,” she laughed, “but if it bothers you sweetheart l won’t do it with you, Bert likes me to do it, it just confirms my position as subservient to him.”

“And it really doesn’t bother you?”

“No baby,” she replied, “l like a man to dominate me where sex is concerned, l feel that is where l should be, always available for pleasure just like l will be for you, just the thought of what you might want me to do makes me wet.” She jumped off the bed, “come on, let’s get showered, l’m hungry now and you need to keep your energy level up, there’s plenty more fucking to do on this holiday.”

When we got downstairs the others were all in the kitchen. Eileen and Carol were naked like us, but Bert was fully dressed.

“I have to go into town,” he said, kissing my mother and squeezing her breast before heading out of the front door.

We all sat around the table having breakfast and discussing what we were going to do that day.

“You young man need to save your energy today,” Eileen said to me, “we all heard you two at it this morning, no more today, there’s a party tonight and you’ll need your energy then.”

“Well l don’t think that’s fair,” Carol said, “Aunty is getting him all the time.”

“Yes we’ll you’re going to get more than you can handle tonight,” Eileen replied.

“Don’t worry about me,” Carol said, “l know what l’m getting tonight and l know l can handle it.”

“What’s happening tonight?” I asked.

“You’ll find out later,” Eileen replied.

Just then the front doorbell rang.

“That will be Sally and Tom to collect Brian,” Eileen said, getting up and walking towards the front door.

I was surprised to see her going to open the front door naked but it didn’t seem to bother her. She returned, followed by a couple who looked to be in their mid to late fifties. I was rather embarrassed to be sat there naked but it didn’t seem to faze them.

Eileen introduced them as Sally, a friendly looking lady with greying hair, she was about five foot six and whilst not slim, l wouldn’t describe her as fat. She was wearing a t-shirt type top which made it obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her breasts did not look to be large but her prominent nipples were easily distinguishable. She also wore a pleated shirt that came just below her knee.

Tom was a few inches taller with a slight beer belly, he looked friendly despite a somewhat rugged appearance, l noticed that as soon as he entered the room his eyes latched onto my mother, he went over and kissed her, his hand going to her breast as he did so, Mum gave him a cheeky smile, it was obvious she was flirting with him.

Sally came over to be, she bent to kiss me, placing her hand on my thigh then letting it move up until she held my cock. “I look forward to sampling this,” she said, giving me a squeeze, “that is if you don’t mind fucking an old lady.”

Eileen explained that Sally and Tom ran a boarding kennels just outside of town. Sally asked if Brian had performed well. “Which one of you did he fuck?” She asked.

“That was me,” Mum replied, “and he was brilliant.”

“He is good isn’t he,” Sally replied, “l’m trying to get him to stop clawing.”

I could see Tom and my mother exchanging glances, then Tom looked directly at Sally.

“Oh go on then,” she laughed, “really, you wouldn’t credit it, he was like a dog with two dicks in the car, sorry Dorothy, you know what he’s like with you.”

“Oh don’t worry,” Mum said, walking over to Tom, she knelt in front of him, undoing the zip in his trousers. “You know me, l am always ready for the next cock.”

I watched as my mother took his cock out and began sucking it. Tom’s cock was longer than mine and thicker, l felt slightly jealous, also a strange thought went through my mind, l wondered what it would feel like up my bottom. My own cock was hard as Sally stroked it.

“Two can play at that game,” Sally said, pulling her top out from her skirt then lifting it over her head, dropping it on the table. Her tits were much smaller than Mum’s but despite her age they looked quite firm. They were tipped with pale pink nipples that were quite long, they looked as if they had been pulled a lot and were permanently stretched. Her hands fiddled with the waistband of her skirt and it fell to the floor, she wasn’t wearing panties and as she stood in front of me with her thighs parted, my face was level with her hairless cunt. There were two objects hanging down, attached to her labia, stretching them. They must have been a good weight and they swung between her thighs as she moved.

“I hope you don’t mind,” she said to Eileen, “l do love a nice young cock.”

“Help yourself,” Eileen replied, “are those scratches from Brian?”

I had also noticed two sets of red stripes either side of Sally’s body.

“Yes,” she replied, “l’m trying to teach him not to scratch, Tom wants to make a film of him fucking me and we want it to look as natural as possible so we don’t have to use the socks.”

She pulled me to my feet, telling me l had to be quick as she and Tom were still preparing for the party later. She led me over to the side of the kitchen, bending over and spreading her legs as she held the worktop for support. Mum was also in a similar position further along, Tom was already up her cunt and fucking her, Mum’s tits swinging wildly.

I was getting used to this situation by then and got behind Sally, l placed the head of my cock between her labia then shoved my cock deep into her.

“Oh yes!” She sighed, “don’t hang about darling, just fuck me.”

I began fucking her, as l did, the weights hanging from her labia swung against my balls, l found it quite stimulating and the harder l fucked her, the harder they hit my balls. I reached under her, holding her nipples and pulling them hard.

“Oh Dorothy darling,” she called out, “you’ve taught him so well, he’s perfect.”

The feeling as those weights continued to bang into my balls was driving me crazy, my orgasm was building. I had the overpowering urge to hurt her, l couldn’t control it. In one movement l pulled out of her cunt, shifting slightly and rammed my cock into her arsehole.

“Oh Jesus yes you bastard!” She cried as my cock went deep into her. I pulled and twisted her nipples as l humped into her arsehole and came. I felt her go rigid then tremble as she came with me. She fell forward across the worktop as l pumped my cum into her belly.”

“Oh Jesus Dorothy, he’s beautiful,” she said.

I looked across to my mother, Tom had finished fucking her and she was on her knees cleaning the juices from his cock with her mouth.

I was relishing the feeling of power l had, l pulled out of her and as she stood up l turned her, placing my hands on her shoulders l pushed her down onto her knees. She knew immediately what l wanted and took me into her mouth, cleaning my cock. I looked across at my mother, she still had Tom’s cock in her mouth but she was looking at me and gave me a wink of approval.

I looked around and saw Eileen spread on the table, Carol was between her mother’s thighs, her mouth clamped onto her cunt, l watched as Eileen wrapped her legs around Carol’s neck as she came.

Sally finished cleaning my cock then looked up at me with a satisfied smile. “You’ve learned quickly,” she said, “you’re going to enjoy this evening, if you think we’re perverted now, just wait till later.”

I let her get to her feet then handed her her clothes. Tom meanwhile was still occupied with my mother, he was sucking on her nipples while he fingered her cunt.

“Pack that in Tom,” Sally said once she was dressed, “you can have her again this evening but you’ll have to wait your turn.” She turned to me. “Tom has always had your mother as his favourite,” she said.

Carol left her mother sprawled on the table saying she would go and fetch Brian. She went out of the back door, returning a few moments later with him. As soon as he saw Sally he ran across the kitchen to her, he immediately put his nose under her skirt, she made no effort to stop him as he pressed his mouth against her cunt.

“As soon as he saw me he thought l was there for fucking,” Carol laughed.

“Oh l know,” Sally laughed, leaning back against the worktop and spreading her legs to allow the dog better access to her cunt, “he’s turned into a right randy bugger,” she said, “he usually has me twice a day, it would be more if l let him, he fucks Tom as well now.”

“No doubt we’ll see that tonight,” Carol replied, “as well as other things.”

It was obvious that there were things planned for that evening that promised to be more new experiences for me.

Sally and Tom sorted themselves out and left with Brian. Eileen said that we would have to do something for the day.

“If we stay here this lad will be fucked out by this evening,” she said, putting her arm around me, “why don’t we get dressed and drive to the coast, that way he can save his energy, he’ll need it later.”

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