Prostitution for hot sex money


There have always been a few women who are willing to offer men sex on demand. But they want to be paid. By far the most common form of prostitution involves women providing sexual services to men. The second most common is among male homosexuals (4% of the male population). Women pay male escorts for companionship rather than sex. Prostitution is least common among gay women (2% of the female population).

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Society sends out positive messages for girls to be wives and mothers. They are not admired for being sexual women such as mistresses or prostitutes. Women are embarrassed by references to the so-called pleasure quarter, which makes sex into a transaction and implies women's function is to be a sexual commodity for male consumption. In the red-light district of any city (often near the train station), women are employed to provide men with sexual pleasure or just sexual relief. Women typically go into prostitution as a last resort and out of desperation. Most women want a loving relationship. Unfortunately, it is not possible to buy the platonic and loving intimacy (based on affection) that women hope for when they love someone.

The men who are most likely to use prostitutes are under thirty and less educated than average. Some men pay for sex as easily as they would for a massage. It is likely that many more men would pay for sex were it not for the social taboo. Cheaper prostitutes do not feel obliged to make any pretence of being aroused. A classier prostitute may be more proactive but only because she is paid. Women's responses with a lover involve conscious behaviours, that rely on motivation, not natural responses to eroticism.

Men fantasise about 'threesomes': sex with one man and two women. A man doesn't want male competition. Men need to recuperate after orgasm before they can be aroused again. A man feels secure in a harem because he is the only male. In a swinging situation, women can have more partners than a man because they are not aroused and do not orgasm with a lover.

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Some men look for an emotional connection. Many men object to paying for sexual relief. The more educated man prefer to think that someone has sex with him because they like him. Sex can be more interesting when you know something about a lover. Educated men may find a prostitute unsatisfying because they want a lover to appreciate their lovemaking.

Male prostitutes ejaculate (coincident with male orgasm) with a client. Female prostitutes do not orgasm with a lover. A hooker is someone who hooks or traps clients. Most women would never be a prostitute even if it were well paid. Prostitution is dangerous work and the risk of assault is high. Men resent prostitutes because they make money out of men's need.

If women experienced orgasm with a lover, prostitution as we know it would not exist. A woman can service many men almost indefinitely because she experiences no arousal, no orgasm and no recovery period. No one can have an orgasm to order but an orifice can be offered at any time. At a most basic level, heterosexual activity involves a woman allowing a man to ejaculate into one of her orifices: either her vagina, her mouth or her anus.

Men generate the demand for prostitution, yet it is women who are shamed for the activity. Men, as in many sexual contacts, can remain anonymous but women (for their own protection) must be declared and accountable. Prostitution upsets women but men do not disapprove. Prostitution is a service that allows men to enjoy sexual release with a partner. It is naïve to think that prostitution could ever be abolished. Some men (regardless of their relationship status) they will always be prepared to pay women for sex.

Some men want more specific sexual services related to a fetish or perversion. Even men can be ashamed of their responses. Women in the sex industry provide for these sexual needs. This servicing saves other less worldly women from having to engage on the true nature of some men's carnal needs. Much of the violence men show towards prostitutes reflects their frustration at not obtaining the sex they need from their partners.

In most countries, prostitution is illegal. Holland and Germany are notable exceptions. Some people believe that legalising prostitution equates to condoning the practice of men paying to use women's bodies for sex. Others support decriminalisation, which offers prostitutes (who register) a safer working environment, medical support but in return for paying taxes. Prostitutes have been relabelled sex workers but prostitution is still linked with organised crime, violence, abduction and slavery. The problem is the male brothel owners and male pimps who exploit and abuse. Women make money out of men by offering services, sex chat or nude images but the big money is made by men. Men know exactly what other men want.

We find that about 69 per cent of the total while male population ultimately has some experience with prostitutes. Many of these males, however, never have more than a single experience or two, and not more than 15 or 20 per cent of them ever have such relations more often than a few times a year, over as much as a five-year period in their lives. This means that there is nearly a third (31%) of the population that never has any sort of sexual contact with prostitutes. (Alfred Kinsey 1948)

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