Nick's trip with my daughter after college graduation


My wife and I beamed with pride as we watched our daughter, Tiffany, walk across the graduation stage to accept her High School diploma. She's worked hard these past few years and it had finally paid off. She accomplished graduating with high marks, maintaining a laundry list of extracurricular, and getting into her top choice for college. She was truly a dream daughter. We waved and whistled until we caught her eye, and she waved her diploma at us happily.

Making sure she saw me there was important not only because she needed the support but also because she needed to know I could show up. I've always had a very hectic schedule with work and haven't always been able to make time for her various volleyball games, debate tournaments and what not. We had a great relationship overall, but I had earned a bit of a reputation as a no-show.

After the ceremony, we joined Tiffany to get some pictures with her and her friends in their caps and gowns. The kids were rowdy and excited, and us parents dutifully followed their frenzied joy with our cameras. Tiffany was very popular and it was fun to see her mingle with various groups of kids who all seemed to love her.

On the drive home, my wife and I showered her with praise. We got home and had a quick dinner since she had plans to go out and keep celebrating with her friends.

"Remember honey, don't stay out too late. We have an early day tomorrow to get to your graduation present. Don't party too hard," I reminded her.

صور نيك - صور سكس - نيك حيوانات - نيك محارم - نيك - سكسي - سكس كلاب - سكس حيوانات - سكس حصان - سكساوي - سكس .

"I know dad. Don't worry. I'll be very responsible," she said with a wink as she headed out the door.

When the door shut, my wife turned to me, knowing how I'd be feeling. "You put on quite the good show, Steve. A real "cool" dad with your daughter out there partying" she teased.

Between the two of us, I was definitely the more anxious one. I usually hounded her with questions and tried to impose strict curfews for fear of something terrible happening. Mind you, she never really gave us a reason to be strict. She rarely broke curfew, never got in major trouble and seemed to have a minimal and responsible way of drinking when at parties. With dating, she went through a couple steady boyfriends, but nothing too serious. She knew to keep her doors open if she had any boyfriends over the house. She was easy to trust.

"Yea, yea. Trust me, I would have rather she stayed home to finish packing, but I'm trying not to be such a killjoy" I said.

My wife, Suzy, gave me a little side hug, "I packed with her earlier. She's all set for the cruise. She'll be fine." She tip-toed up to give me a little reassuring kiss. "You however, Mr. hypocrite, are not done packing so let's head upstairs."

I finished up packing and my wife peppered me with small reminders of items I should bring.

"Are you sure you are OK not coming along," I asked her.

"Of course, babe. I know how guilty you feel about all the time you miss with Tiffany, so this is a great way for you to spend some time with her before she heads off to college," Suzy assured me.

"I know. I just know how much you love cruises and Mexico. And it's a week away. That's a long time and I worry you'll feel left out and miss me."

Suzy laughed and made her way to me. She pressed her body into mine and looked up at me. "Steve, you sound almost like you are afraid to be alone with your teenage daughter."

I scoffed, "No, it's not that. I mean, maybe a little. What if she gets bored or gets pissed at me? There's not a lot of places to escape a moody teenager on a ship."

Suzy stroked my chest, smiling at me. "You'll be fine, I promise. You act like you don't know her at all, but she's your kid. You guys get along great. If you need space, just tell her to go to the pool or something." Suzy's hands roamed my back, and she kissed me deeply. "As for missing you..." she took my hand and led me to the bed, "I think you have it the other way around. Let me show you what you're going to be missing."

نيك حيوانات - نيك - نسوانجي - مقاطع سكس حيوانات - صور نيك - صور سكس - سكس محارم - سكس نسوانجي - سكس كلاب - سكس حيوانات - سكساوي - سكس حيوان .

With that she turned me around and gave a little push for me to fall back on the bed. She stripped off her blouse and unhooked her bra from the front to reveal her beautiful melon-sized breasts. After all these years, she's still got it. That night she fucked me so hard and long I was sure she was trying to drain me as much as she could before I left.


"Rise and shine!" I yelled in an intentionally loud voice as I opened my daughter's bedroom door at 6AM.

"Uuughhhhh," is all she could groan from under the thin bed sheet. From where I was, all I could make out was a tangle of wild blonde hair and a stray bare leg hooked over the sheets.

"Oh, did someone have a long night?" I said as I threw open her curtains to let the daylight in. The license to be obnoxious that comes with being a father is a seriously underrated perk.

Tiffany sat up in bed and shielded her eyes. "Why dad!?" She leaned against her headboard and held the sheet up to her chest, revealing her shoulders. From the looks of it she had slept with no top.

"Come on sweetie. You look rough and need to get up for the cruise. The ship waits for no one."

Tiffany just squinted at me, seeming to barely comprehend. She smiled a bit. "Ok. Just let me shower." She then opened her eyes wide enough to give me as much of a puppy dog look as she could. "And daddy, can you make me some coffee please?"

I never could resist. "No problem. I'll put it on the bathroom counter for you. Just don't take too long."

I joined my wife downstairs as she was prepping our on-the-road breakfasts, and she gave me a playful little wink as I caught her eye. Taking some fresh coffee from the french press, I brought it back upstairs to drop off for my daughter. Initially worried she was still lazing in bed, I was happy to hear the shower running. I gave a little knock and opened the door (none of us have a reason to lock doors when guests aren't over) and was met with pillows of steam.

"That you dad?" Tiffany called from the other side of the shower glass.

"Yes hun, I'm just putting your coffee down for you." I placed it carefully on the counter in a mass of blow dryers, hair products, and cosmetics, being extra careful not to knock anything over. As I was leaving the small bathroom, I couldn't help but notice the figure on the other side of the shower door. The glass was distorted enough so that you couldn't make out a ton of details, but not so much that I couldn't see what a body my daughter had grown. Like I mentioned before, she's the perfect daughter- physically as well. She stands at about 5'8'', with long blonde, straight hair, perky B cup tits, and a gorgeous ass that stands out firm against a slender frame. Being a father to such a girl isn't always easy, especially when much of the year she is clad in those amazing volleyball shorts. I stayed for only a second longer than normal, not wanting to be a creep, but the mental image stayed with me as I made my way downstairs. My dick gave some involuntarily twitches that I tried to ignore.

Within 30 minutes of waking Tiffany up, we were on the road and on the way to the dock to board the ship.

"Oh my god, is that our ship?!" Tiffany exclaimed as we made our way from the car to the loading area.

I smiled, enjoying her shock and apparent approval. She had never been on a cruise before and so had no idea how massive these ships could be. I had booked a top line cruise, with endless amenities to make sure our days at sea were as fun as possible before we reached our destination in Puerto Vallarta.

We made our way on board and found our room. Tiffany seemed like a kid in a candy store, eyes wide and pointing out different areas she wanted to check out. I braced myself, worried she would react to the size of the room. While I made sure to get us one of the nicer rooms on the ship I knew that the cruise rooms were never as big as what she was used to when we traveled and stayed in hotels.

Tiffany swiped our key and opened the door. "Oh nice," she exclaimed, and I breathed a sigh of relief. "It's cozy but check out the view," she said as she ran in ahead of me. The room was situated high on the ship and so the view overlooked the ocean as well as the pool that was exclusive to our area of the ship. "Uh-oh, dad," she said, looking over at me with a bit of a frown as I struggled to get our bags through the door. "There's only one bed..."

المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

سكس التحرر قصص اباحية ممتعة

قصص محارم اخي الذي متعني بعد طلاقي وفشخ كسي

مراتة شرموطة يعاقبها بالنيك مع امها سكس حماتي